Repeaterap firmware
Advanced > Firmware Update

Regular router firmware upgrades can help you obtain the latest features and security patches, improve the performance and stability of the router, and fix possible vulnerabilities and security risks.
The wavlink device provides you with two ways to upgrade firmware, namely local upgrade and online upgrade. You can choose one of them as the appropriate upgrade method.
Local Upgrade
On the router management page, click the upload button, select the firmware file to upload, and start the upgrade after confirming that the uploaded firmware file is correct. Wait for the upgrade process to complete without disconnecting power or network connections.

Once the upgrade is complete, the router will automatically reboot to apply the new firmware. It may take a few minutes, please be patient.
For detailed operation steps, please click How to upgrade router firmware?
Online Upgrade
You can directly click the check upgrade button to check the upgradeable version for upgrade, or you can directly use one-click upgrade.

Before upgrading the firmware, make sure you fully understand the contents and precautions of the firmware update. Some upgrades may require special procedures or considerations.
During the firmware upgrade process, avoid power outages or network connections to avoid causing firmware damage or the router not working properly.
If problems occur during the firmware upgrade, you can try using the router's recovery function or contact the manufacturer's technical support for help.